轉載70-620 實驗題全面詳細資料再收集

70-620 SIMS !!

1. Parental Controls (Set a standard account to access only websites that is allowed, and restrict from gaming).
--> http://www.answerbag.com/article ... d-68b6-c62b7e2e491c
--> http://blogs.technet.com/seanear ... al-controls-go.aspx

2. How To Change Default Search Engine on IE.
--> look for another and make it the new default
--> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/w ... -google-by-default/

3. Windows update setting change (start on every Saturday at 23:00 PM).
--> http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/tutorials/tutorial140.html

4. Set Windows Vista In a Dual boot scenario from control panel.
--> system properties - advanced - startup and recovery
--> http://www.vistarewired.com/2007 ... efault-os-at-bootup
--> See PICTURES in this thread

5. Enable remote desktop from the control panel
--> Setup windows firewall to allow remote desktop
--> http://www.gilsmethod.com/how-to ... nnection-with-vista

6. Windows defender manual scan drive C
--> WIN DEFENDER - Stop auto scan - Create Manual scan schedule - Condigure drives to scan.
--> http://www.microsoft.com/windows ... nn_windefender.mspx

7. UAC policy the screen turned off
--> check local policies - (Remove black screen in UAC when ask for credentials. UAC- disable Secure Desktop at elevation prompt but leave all others as is.).
--> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/w ... n-in-windows-vista/

8. Remove Start-up Program Using Software Explorer in Windows Defender
--> (Windows Defender- Disable an auto starting app using s/w explorer.).
--> http://windowshelp.microsoft.com ... 6dc6a12f001033.mspx
--> See PICTURES in this thread

9. Setup modem as backup connection with redial at 10 seconds.
--> http://micro.uoregon.edu/getconnected/vista/modem.html

10. Share folder problem
--> create an exception on firewall + turn on file sharing

11. Setup a vpn connection with username, password and domain info provided.
--> http://www.learnthat.com/softwar ... a_Tutorial/page/17/

12. Sharing demonstration material in media player.
--> Make sure change your network setting to private otherwise not able to share media
--> http://www.microsoft.com/windows ... p11/sharemedia.aspx
--> See PICTURES in this thread

13. Windows meeting space one.
--> Start and meeting and invite "everyone" then go to other users computer and join the meeting. (accept the invite)
--> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc721942.aspx
--> See PICTURES in this thread

14. Subscribe to a web calendar.
--> Dont forget to add the http:// in front of the URL as if you type in just the URL, it will tell you that it could not find the calendar.
--> http://www.microsoft.com/athome/intouch/vistacalendar.mspx#ERE
--> See PICTURES in this thread

15. RSS reader. subscribe and change update time to 1day.
--> http://www.uwec.edu/HELP/IE_7/rss.htm
--> See PICTURES in this thread

16. Webpage not loading, gives error. add the site to trusted sites.
--> http://surfthenetsafely.com/ieseczone7.htm
--> See PICTURES in this thread

17. Setup remote desktop on a modem connection to have maximum performance (experience tab - custom - deselect all options))
--> http://www.computerdoctor.com.au ... er/AccessViaRDC.asp
--> See PICTURES in this thread

18. Remote assistance, create and send an invite via a shared location and from the other pc accept it.
--> (in Windows Help and Support - remote assistance)

19. Create a complete system backup of C: to D:
--> http://www.zdnet.com.au/insight/ ... PC-Backup-utility/0,139023769,339272295,00.htm

20. UAC- Change admin elevation from consent to credentials.
--> Check local policies
--> http://blogs.msdn.com/uac/archive/2006/01/22/516066.aspx

21. Add user to USERS group (control Panel - USers and groups)
--> Control Panel - User Accounts - manage useraccounts - advanced tab - advanced button
--> See PICTURES in this thread

22. Configure IPv6 Properties
--> http://forskningsnett.uninett.no/ipv6/IPv6hostswindows.html
--> See PICTURES in this thread

23. Synchronize shared folder (rightclick folder - always available offline)
--> http://windowshelp.microsoft.com ... cda1fe1033.mspx#EEB
--> See PICTURES in this thread

24. Disable User account control
--> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/w ... y-on-windows-vista/
--> See PICTURES in this thread

25. upgrade Base score from performance information and tools.
--> Control Panel - Performance Information and Tools - upgrade my score

26. Mail importing on windows mail from microsoft outlook express 6
--> http://www.vista4beginners.com/M ... ess-to-Windows-Mail


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